Strawberries from “Golden Berry” are a true delight for all berry lovers.

       Not only does their taste entice you to enjoy these juicy berries every day, but their numerous health benefits also make them indispensable. As soon as the strawberry season arrives, there’s a desire to savor them in every form, and learning more about their health properties makes you think about a berry diet!

       Strawberries are known for their low calorie, carbohydrate, and fat content – less than 1%! They naturally provide our bodies with vitamins, fiber, and a wide range of antioxidants. Strawberries even rank in the top 20 foods with the highest antioxidant activity, and 8 medium strawberries contain more vitamin C than an orange. Impressive, right? Let’s explore why this little berry is so beneficial.

       The benefits of strawberries are diverse. They are beneficial for all body systems, reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, and do not cause sharp spikes in blood glucose levels. In terms of composition, strawberries are a source of important vitamins and minerals:

       Vitamin C. A powerful antioxidant that lowers blood pressure, improves iron absorption, and is essential for immunity.
Manganese. Necessary for metabolism, digestion, and energy processes.
Folic acid (vitamin B9). Important for tissue growth and cell function, especially needed by pregnant women.
       Potassium. Regulates blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease.
Anthocyanins. About 25 types of anthocyanins in strawberries exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anticancer properties.
Strawberries also contain iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins K and E. Their nutritional profile is impressive, and their benefits for the body are undeniable.

Strawberries are beneficial for many organs.

       Helps with weight loss. Due to their low calorie and high water content, strawberries are the ideal snack for those controlling their weight.

       Supports heart health. Research confirms that regular consumption of strawberries reduces the risk of heart disease by increasing levels of good cholesterol.

       Reduces inflammation and prevents cancer. Strawberries are rich in antioxidants, which help combat inflammatory processes in the body and may suppress tumor formation.

       Improves joint health. The anti-inflammatory properties of strawberries can alleviate the condition of people with osteoarthritis and joint pain.

       Regulates blood sugar levels. Strawberries slow down the digestion of glucose, preventing sharp spikes in sugar after meals.